ERDI Drysuit Ops - Public Safety Diver Training

What it is:
The ERD Drysuit Ops Component is designed to develop the knowledge and skills necessary for drysuit diving operations in emergency response diving.

Agencies we teach for:
Course Cost: See Prices Page (includes manual).
This includes: educational materials, your dive training, certification card and photos (above and below water).
We give discounts for groups, call us for details!
This training is also included in the ERD II course.
Other costs:
Our cost includes everything except gear hire, food, lodging, dive site fees & transportation. Dive site fees range from $5-$10, depending on site.
Gear you need to provide:
t is important that the student has the proper equipment (and this equipment should also be standardized within the team) when performing the duties of an Emergency Response Diver. These include
* Mask and Fins.
* BC (must be technical or similar BC capable of ERD tether requirements and have at least 40 pounds of lift). The BC must also be capable of supporting a pony cylinder of at least 18 cubic feet in addition to the primary cylinder.
* Regulators (primary on main cylinder and secondary on the pony bottle).
* Cylinders (primary of at least 80 cubic feet, and pony bottle of at least 18 cubic feet). Twin cylinders are not permitted at this level.
* Instrumentation to include an SPG, compass, depth gauge and timer or a computer.
* Appropriate exposure protections.
* 2 Cutting tools (a primary and a backup).
* Weight system.
* 2 surface signaling devices (one audible and one visual).
* USCG approved personal flotation device (PFD).
* Gloves (latex and gloves).
* Logbook.
* Dive Tables.
What the course entails:
Throughout confined and open water sessions, you will master dry suit skills while managing emergency response skills.
How we teach it:
There are two parts, the academics and the "wet" portion.
* The academics are done from your ERD Manual and your SDI Drysuit Diving Manual. Afterwards there is a multiple-choice written test. Upon completion of the academics, you will then start the "wet" training.
* During the 'wet' part of the course, all the academics you learned will be reinforced, and some new things taught that are not in the books...
Typically, the course takes one day, which includes academics and 2 open water dives.
Some topics covered are:
* Environmental Issues
* Drysuits: features, types, buoyancy control, maintenance and care and emergencies.
Note: this is not a fully inclusive list, just a quick overview!
Upon successful completion of the bookwork, the academic test and your wetwork you will awarded an ERD Drysuit Ops certification.
Age requirements:
You must be at least 18 years old to receive an ERD Drysuit Ops certification; there is no maximum age.
Minimum # of students per class:
We need 2 or more people to make an ERDI Drysuit Ops class. Private classes can be organized for a separate fee.
How many people are in each class?
Our ERDI Drysuit Ops classes range in size, but we usually have at least two instructors and/or supervisors on site with larger classes, assuring students have more personal attention and fun. Weekends are the busiest.
Schedule/Timing for Course:
We train all the time, and have multiple instructors on staff, many full time, so we do weekday and weekend classes.
Click on our calendar for dates of upcoming courses.
How long does the course take?
Usually we complete the course in one day, but sometimes it is necessary to dive more than one day because of learning difficulties, clearing or weather issues. If necessary, we will dive extra days to get you properly certified, at no extra charge. It is our mission to make you a safe and competent ERD Drysuit Diver.
Where we do our course:
We usually use our local heated pool for the confined water session, and do the open water dives in the springs (wintertime) or the lakes (summertime).
Prerequisites for Course:
* 18 years old
* ERD 1 or equivalent
* CPR 1st or equivalent
* CPROX or equivalent
* Before participating in the ERD Drysuit Ops course, you will be required to fill out a standard liability release form and a medical statement. If you answer YES to anything on the medical form, we will require that you get it signed off by a physician.
* Mentally you need to have a mature attitude and the self-discipline to follow the guide-lines and principles required for safe emergency response diving.
What you can do afterwards:
* Upon successful graduation students will have developed the knowledge and skills necessary to plan and execute drysuit diving operation in emergency response diving.
* Continue your ERD diver training with specialty dives and courses, eg ERD Full Face Mask Course.